Change Our Streets is a new campaign by advocates for everyday cycling and safer walking in Galway city.
Galway Cycling Campaign, a GCCN member organisation, has written an Open Letter to Galway City Council inviting the Local Authority to begin a creative conversation to Change Our Streets by reallocating space to people walking and cycling.
In acknowledging that social distancing will be with us for months, the letter offers many suggestions on how the streets in Galway city can be changed to make the city centre and the residential areas safer and more pleasant for people of all ages and abilities during the COVID-19 pandemic while allowing them to enjoy community and commerce.
Galway Cycling Campaign and the near-200 co-signatories would like to start a progressive conversation with Galway City Council to:
- Reallocate road space to people walking and cycling.
- Temporary lower speed limits to 30 km/h in urban areas.
GCCN supports this campaign and has signed the Open Letter together with other numerous co-signatories that include Galway Environmental Network and other community and voluntary organisations, a number of Galway City and County Councillors, members of the NUIG community, local businesses, healthcare workers, urban environment professionals, residents’ associations and many more.
As someone who lives or works in Galway, you are invited to continue to add your and your organisations’ name to the list of supporters<as a comment>, and get involved.
The letter is available online at the link:
Signatures are still welcome!
If you have any questions or want to get more involved with Change our Streets, please email Martina Callanan or Kevin Jennings
- Read the Galway Daily article ‘Change Our Streets’ Open Letter to City Council signed by 200 organisations and individuals – here.
- Read the Galway Advertiser article Calls for re-opened Galway to be conducive to social distancing – here.