The role and criteria of a GCCN Representative
The role of the GCCN representatives is essential in ensuring that the voices of local communities are heard in the decision-making processes of local government. By
representing the interests of the community, GCCN Representatives contribute to shaping policies that impact Galway City and its residents.
Criteria for Effective Representation
Being a GCCN representative is an important task. Representatives provide the “PPN voice at the table” as stated in the PPN Handbook issued by the Depatment of Rural and Community Development.
To ensure that representation is informed and based on knowledge of the policy area and on commitment to the values of the PPN, the GCCN representatives are required to have:
- An awareness of general policy in the area you are seeking to represent on;
- A knowledge of the GCCN policies in the area and a commitment to promoting these polices and to policy development where necessary;
- A proven track record in the ability to represent.
The Role of a GCCN Representative
GCCN representatives are elected to various local bodies like the Galway City Council Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs), the Local Community Development Committee (LCDCs), the Local Community Safety Partnership and others. From this position representatives:
- Represent the agreed policy positions, values and interests of GCCN on the structure to which they are elected, including relevant sub groups;
- Actively promote the policies, positions and values of GCCN, including by seeking the inclusion of items on the agenda and proposing motions at the meetings;
- Regularly attend meetings of the structure to which they are elected and actively participate in discussions;
- Participate actively as a member of the relevant Linkage Group, supporting engagement of GCCN members in the development of policies and positions to inform GCCN representatives.
For more information about the role of GCCN representatives, see the GCCN Representatives Charter.
Resources for GCCN Representatives
- GCCN Representatives Induction Document 2024-2029 – Read HERE
- GCCN Representatives Charter – Read HERE
- Reporting Template for GCCN Representatives – Download HERE
- Draft GCCN Representative Elections 2024 – 2029: Guidelines and Information – Read HERE
Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs)
Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) play a key role in the development of policy for Galway City Council and facilitate the participation of elected representatives and local sectoral interests, including community representatives, in this process. The aim of the SPCs is to allow people with relevant expertise to work alongside elected representatives, and to contribute to and develop Council policy in a spirit of partnership.
Each SPC will have a total of ten members, comprising six councillors and four sectoral representatives.
In Galway City there are six Strategic Policy Committees as follows:
- SPC1: Social Development
- SPC2: Operational Development
- SPC3: Project Development
- SPC4: Urban Development
- SPC5: Corporate Development
- SPC6: Tourism Development
SPCs were established in all local authorities in 1999, as part of reform of Local Government set out in Better Local Government: A Programme for Change (1990).
Karen Golden
SPC1: Social Development
Olena Bratchenko
SPC1: Social Development
Caroline Stanley
SPC2: Operational Development
Kevin Jennings
SPC2: Operational Development
Brendan Mulligan
SPC3: Project Development
Dominick Whelan
SPC3: Project Development
Derrick Hambleton
SPC4: Urban Development
Reg Turner
SPC4: Urban Development
Marian Maloney
SPC5: Corporate Development
Paul O’Donnell
SPC5: Corporate Development
Megs Morley
SPC6: Tourism Development
Vusi Thabethe
SPC6: Tourism Development
Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)
The LCDC is a as public-private partnerships of socio-economic interests and comprise representatives of local authorities and other State agencies, local and community interests, civil society and economic and social partners.
The role of the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) is to develop, co-ordinate and implement a coherent and integrated approach to local and community development. LCDCs were established in each local authority area by the Local Government Reform Act, 2014, when they replaced the City & County Development Boards.
The LCDC is responsible for the development and implementation of the community elements of the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) and is the contract holder for the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP).
The Community, Social Inclusion, Environment pillars are represented by the 5 GCCN representatives.
Tommy Flaherty
Lorraine Lally
Joanne Laffey
Charlotte May
Fiona McDonagh-Delaney
Local Community Safety Partnership (LCSP)
Local Community Safety Partnerships (LCSPs), established in each Local Authority area in line with the Policing, Security and Community Safety Act 2024, bring all the relevant state services and the community together at local authority level. This will build on the work undertaken through Joint Policing Committees and supplement it by ensuring that all other relevant stakeholders necessary to constitute a more holistic forum for discussion and decisions on community priorities are present.
Each community, its service providers and other stakeholders will be represented on the Local Community Safety Partnership.
It is intended that membership of the Local Community Safety Partnership will include: residents; community representatives, including representatives of youth, new communities and the voluntary sector; business and education representatives; relevant public services in the area, including HSE, Tusla, AGS, and the local authority; and local councillors. The LCSP will have a maximum of 30 members.
The membership of the Galway City Local Community Safety Partnership has not yet been confirmed, and GCCN does not know the number of representative seats that will be available on this structure.
An update will be shared with GCCN members as soon as possible.
Galway Sports Partnership
The role of the Galway Sports Partnership is the promotion of participation for all Irish people in sport at a level of their choosing, regardless of their ability, gender or background. Established in 2006, the current Galway Sports Partnership strategic plan has four goals:
- Awareness & Participation – To increase access and participation opportunities in physical activity and sport;
- Education & Training – Goal: Support Sports clubs and Recreational groups through locally based training and education;
- Facilities & Amenities – To promote a sustainable strategic approach to the development, access and usage of amenity infrastructure in Galway City;
- Effective Partnership – To sustain an effective Galway City Sports Partnership.
GCCN will elect representatives on this committee in 2025.
Chris Hickey
Galway Sports Partnership
Irene Murphy
Galway Sports Partnership
Western Regional Drugs & Alcohol Task Force
The Western Regional Drugs & Alcohol Task Force is a co-ordinating body established to research, develop and implement, using a partnership approach, a coordinated, regionally appropriate response to substance misuse. It was established in May 2003 as one of the key recommendations of the National Drugs Strategy 2001-2008.
The aim for the Task Force is to significantly reduce the harm caused to individuals and society by the misuse of drugs through a concerted focus on Supply Reduction, Prevention, Treatment, Rehabilitation and Research.
The objectives of the WRDATF are to develop an integrated and well managed response to drug and alcohol problems, propose a range of solutions and service interventions based on the five pillars of the National Drugs Strategy and ensure that all responses are monitored and evaluated according to best practice and value for money principles.
Comhairle na nÓg
Comhairle na nÓg are child and youth councils in the 31 local authorities of the country, which give children and young people the opportunity to be involved in the development of local services and policies. In light of the fact that Comhairle na nÓg is for young people under the age of 18 and who therefore have no other voting mechanism to have their voice heard, Comhairle na nÓg is designed to enable young people to have a voice on the services, policies and issues that affect them in their local area.
Tommy Flaherty
Brian Doherty
Comhairle na nÓg
Galway City Partnership (GCP)
Galway City Partnership (GCP) is a local and community development company working in Galway City. Founded in 1996, its mission is to tackle disadvantage and social exclusion, with particular emphasis on those currently, or in danger of becoming long term unemployed, to enhance their capacity to contribute fully to social and economic development.
GCP works strategically with local agencies and groups to ensure the mainstreaming of successful projects while enabling the lessons learned to positively influence policy at all levels.
GCP Target Groups include:
- Long Term Unemployed
- Young people back to Education/Training
- People with Disabilities
- Lone Parents
- Ex Offenders
- Substance Misusers
- The Homeless
- Youth at Risk
- Disadvantaged Women
- Travellers
- Older People
- Underemployed
- Ethnic minorities including Refugees and Asylum Seekers
The Partnership has a board of directors made up of people from the community and statutory sectors, social partners and elected representatives. Community and Voluntary representatives to the GCP Board are nominated by GCCN.
Brendan Mulligan
Galway City Partnership
Marian Maloney
Galway City Partnership
Martin O’Connor
Galway City Partnership
Tommy Flaherty
Galway City Partnership
Galway City Partnership
Galway City Partnership