Galway Communities Against Racism Solidarity seeking an end to the inhumane treatment of people who are seeking International Protection
Stop Inhumane Treatment Against People Seeking IP
Press Release
Over 150 people since mid-April have been moved from the Travel Lodge, an emergency direct provision centre in Galway to different centres across the country. Only day’s notice of the move was given by the centre which was deemed acceptable. The residents were devastated as they had been building a life for themselves in Galway City. Many were working and more had plans to return to education in September. This type of treatment is totally unacceptable and inhumane.
“It was a horrendous scenario so many people uprooted without consultation. Vulnerable residents who had only recently managed to gain confidence to engage with services were relocated to areas with limited services. There needs to be a better, more transparent communication system” Nora Corcoran, Galway Traveller Movement (GTM) representative.
Galway Communities Against Racism and Discrimination (GCARD) are calling for greater accountability from the Government in relation to ensuring that all people who are seeking International Protection are treated with respect and dignity. It is incumbent on all public bodies to know that they have a duty to protect the fundamental human rights and interests of all people coming to our shores seeking asylum.
We are also calling for the government to live up to its responsibility to keep people seeking International Protection safe while they are in the care of the Irish State.
In response to the recent opposition to people seeking International Protection we are asking communities to welcome those arriving and not to protest outside the centres as it causes a lot of hurt and upset to people who are already vulnerable. The people seeking International Protection are not to blame for the inequalities in Irish society. We must not forget our own Irish history of emigration and the thousands of people who left Ireland and looked for asylum in other countries. We need to reclaim the image of Ireland as being an open and welcoming place.
Eoghan Fox, from the Galway Council of Trade Unions believes that “Communities and public services are key to the welcoming of people who are seeking refuge and asylum into local areas and must be given the resources to ensure that the people seeking International Protection are safe, secure, and empowered to make a new life for themselves free from persecution”.
Galway Communities against Racism and Discrimination are calling on all communities and organisations to sign up to the Galway Communities Against Racism Solidarity Protocol.
We are asking communities and organisations in Galway City and County to sign and visually display (see example on the right) a Community Solidarity Pledge. The pledge asks the people of Galway to:
‘Stand against all forms of racism and discrimination, including sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. We want to create a society where all people feel respected, valued and protected. We believe in equality for all and do not tolerate racism, the spread of hate in our communities, or any form of discrimination’.
Please contact Rebecca (Galway City Community Network) at if you wish to sign the pledge.
Stop Inhumane Treatment Against People Seeking IP
The Objectives of Galway Communities Against Racism and Discrimination- To build relationships with organisations and community groups in order to support effective campaigns against racism and discrimination.
- To highlight and campaign on policy matters that impact negatively on groups experiencing inequality and discrimination.
- To build solidarity and promote an equal and inclusive city and county through positive messaging and social media campaigns.
- To demonstrate solidarity with individuals and groups who experience racism and discrimination on an individual or institutional level.
Follow GCARD on Social Media:
Notes to editors:
[1] Galway City Community Network (GCCN) is a network of 168 community, voluntary and environmental organisations active in Galway City. GCCN is the main link through which the Galway City Council connects with the community, voluntary and environmental sectors. GCCN member organisations represent the network on a variety of bodies including the Council’s Strategic Policy Committees.
[2] Established in 1994, Galway Traveller Movement (GTM) CLG is an independent Traveller organisation in Galway City and County. The company has charitable status and is a partnership of Travellers and non-Travellers. GTM have worked for more than two decades to challenge and respond to the structural inequalities experienced by the Traveller community.
[3] Galway City Partnership (GCP) is a local and community development company working in Galway City. GCP have been in existence since 1996 and their aim is to tackle disadvantage and social exclusion – and focus particularly on helping those who are long term unemployed.
[4] AMACH! LGBT Galway aims to reflect equally the diversity within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community by encouraging positive participation from the community. We actively advocate to achieve a solid and safe support structure for the LGBT+ community in
Galway. We aim to provide awareness, educational and training events and workshops, and endeavour to support and promote a socially inclusive society.
[5] GARN We are a radical grassroots community group committed to promoting racial equality and social justice. We are not tied to any political party or organisation, but work with other groups that share our goals. We believe that everyone deserves the same respect and rights regardless of origin, ethnicity, appearance or belief system.We oppose all forms of racism both locally and internationally. We want to gather people together to get the voice of change.
[6] BRIDGE Project Galway seeks to promote reception and integration supports to Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Third Country Nationals living in Galway.