BusConnects – Public Consultation Meeting
1 February | 6.30pm | Westside Resource Centre
The 2nd Non-Statutory Public Consultation for BusConnects Galway: Dublin Road commenced on January 13, 2023. The cut-off date for submissions is Friday, February 10th.
The purpose of the BusConnects Consultation is to invite feedback, questions and support for the Emerging Preferred Route, to help inform the scheme design as it proceeds to the planning consent process. Read more here.
GCCN will host a BusConnects – Public Consultation Meeting on
Wednesday, 1 February from 6.30pm at Westside Resource Centre, Seamus Quirke Rd, Galway.
This meeting is open to all and you are invited to join!
Following this meeting, GCCN will gather all the input from the attendees and GCCN members and will make a submission to the BusConnects Galway: Dublin Road proposals.
Further details:
As part of the BusConnects Consultation, the design team has developed a virtual information room.
Visit this interactive space to look at key project information at the link: https://www.innovision.ie/bcgdublinroad