Building Collective Capacity and Engagement of Rights Holders in Galway City: Establishing and Enabling the Galway City Civil Society Panel
Galway City Community Network are seeking a suitably qualified person to co-ordinate the project Building Collective Capacity and Engagement of Rights Holders in Galway City: Establishing and Enabling the Galway City Civil Society Panel to co-ordinate and deliver on the project goals as outlined in the Tender Document available for download here.
The successful candidate will have experience and knowledge of human rights and equality issues, the Public Sector Duty and programme design and implementation.
- Timeframe: The timeframe for the project is from November 2020 to September 2021
- Tendering Process: Expressions of interest to undertake the two elements of this tender are invited in whole or in part and the Galway City Local Community Development Committee reserve the right to award the tender in whole or in part. Interested parties are invited to submit:
- A detailed outline of the proposed approach.
- Brief details of experience, previous, similar work undertaken and reference, including a CV of the individual/s making the proposal.
- Costing and indicative timescale with respect to each element of the proposed work.
- Deadline: Tenders should be submitted by e-mail to Friday, November 6th
- Download the Tender Document here.
- Queries by email should be directed to
- Further details are available on Activelink here.
Equality and Human Rights Work
Galway City Community Network has worked with partners, Galway City Partnership and the Galway City Local Community Development Committee as members of a consortium in Galway City that has been working on equality and human rights and the public sector duty for a number of years. The consortium initially produced an Equality and Human Rights Statement and subsequently, with the support of IHREC, produced the toolkit, realising Potential: Public Sector Equality and Human rights Duty Implementation Manual.
The work to date has focused on supporting duty bearing organisations to meet their obligations under the public sector duty. In what is the third initiative in this area in Galway City, GCCN, in partnership with Galway City Partnership and with the support of the Galway City Community Development Committee, were successful in an application to the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission implement the project Building Collective Capacity and Engagement of Rights Holders in Galway City: Establishing and Enabling the Galway City Civil Society Panel.
This project is kindly supported by The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.