Celebrating Local Environmental Champions – Earth Day 2023
Celebrating Local Environmental Champions – Earth Day 2023
GCCN would like to take this opportunity to highlight and celebrate a series of local Environmental Champions who also happen to be members of GCCN.
Happy Earth Day to all nature advocates in Galway City and beyond!
A special mention goes to our members Friends of Merlin Woods, pictured above at a recent litter-picking event in Merlin Woods.
Also to Westside Community Organic Garden, an initiative of Galway City Partnership, who have sent us a recent snapshot of the team doing spring preparations in the garden.
And to our lovely friends in Grattan Court Residents Association who shared with us a beautiful picture of ornamental wildflowers sown by the residents in 2022 to both please the eye and offer much needed resources to the bees and other representatives of local Irish fauna.
Happy Earth Day to all our Environmental GCCN member groups!
Among these, today we would like to highlight An Taisce, Galway Conservation Volunteers and Tuatha of Terryland Forest Park.
An Taisce is a charity that works to preserve and protect Ireland’s natural and built heritage, an independent charitable voice for the environment and for heritage issues.
Galway Conservation Volunteers aims to protect and enhance our natural heritage through volunteer participation in practical conservation projects.
Tuatha of Terryland Forest Park are looking to ensure that the 70 hectares riverine parkland achieves its original objective of becoming a native tree forestry, a wildlife sanctuary, a location for arts events, a facility for the utilisation of traditional rural skills/crafts such as drystone-walling, coppicing and organic gardening, an outdoor classroom for schools, a outdoor research laboratory for third level colleges, a recreational amenity and the hub for the development of a network of city-wide ecological corridors and pedestrian/cycling greenways.
Happy Earth Day to all Bike-users and two-wheeler enthusiasts!
Cycling is an eco-friendly mode of transportation that can help reduce carbon emissions and air pollution, which are major contributors to climate change. When people cycle instead of driving cars, they are not only reducing their carbon footprint, but also promoting a healthier lifestyle.
Galway has an enthusiastic community of cyclists and cycling advocates. A big shout out today goes out to our members An Mheitheal Rothar and Galway Cycling Campaign who have sent us a few snapshots of two cycle-bus initiatives in the city, as well as a community cycle held last year.
An Mheitheal Rothar‘s mission is to encourage and nurture a culture of cycling in Galway city, by establishing a practical, ethically motivated facility and social hub, which would encourage a strong community and promote the health and environmental benefits of cycling.
Galway Cycling Campaign is a community of everyday cycling volunteers who advocate for safer, healthier and happier streets so people of all ages and abilities can walk, wheel and cycle.
Over the years, Earth Day has helped to spur important environmental initiatives and policy changes around the world, such as the creation of the Paris Agreement on climate change for example. Today, Earth Day continues to inspire people to take action on behalf of the planet and to work towards a sustainable future.